Office Solutions

Client Focus

My focus is to help non-profits.  I realize that while following their mission to serve their cause, they are sometimes limited by their volunteers.  How many they have/can recruit and what skill sets they bring can leave holes that need to be filled.  I can step in and fill that hole.  I can set up systems and detailed “how-to’s” so that future volunteers can follow the path.  Or you can contract with me for regular monthly tasks.

Virtual Office

I provide my services from my office in the Pacific Northwest and serve my clients virtually.  Using web/online solutions also allows volunteers ease of access to documents that won’t require them to come in to an office or specific location.  This helps expand the potential volunteer base for those who are limited in time and by location to help.

Board Transitions

If you’re on the board of a non-profit, you’re already familiar with the regular turnover of board members and how smooth, or not so smooth, that transition can happen.  If you are looking at a bumpy transition, or just want to prepare for future ones, my services are here to help your organization. I can set up a standard framework of templates, information, policies, procedures and step-by-step guides to make your current and future changeovers seamless.

Administrative Tasks

Making offices run smoothly and efficiently is my wheelhouse.  Sometimes you need an extra hand to get systems in place or get a new idea launched.  Volunteers have limited availability and the “not-so-glamorous” administrative tasks can be left behind.  I can also assist with some basic tech training on software and apps that volunteers or new staff may not be familiar with.


I offer writing services, as well.  I can write articles or guest blog posts or provide proofing and editing services for your articles, newsletters or novels.  I also love to wrap up words in a pretty package with some layout and design work.  If words are involved, I will happily cobble some together for you!